Top 10 Favorite Green Foods for St. Patrick's Day | GNC


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March 15, 2023

Top 10 Favorite Green Foods for St. Patrick’s Day


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Green is not only the color of March, but for St. Patrick’s Day too! Looking for some healthy greens to shamrock your St. Patrick’s Day? Follow along for the top ten best greens to incorporate into your diet!

Top Ten Green Foods



Kale is the powerhouse of all leafy greens, providing our bodies with as much a 72mg of Potassium per cup [1]. Potassium helps to maintain normal fluid levels and influence proper hydration. Sweat lost during exercise can impact performance, and may cause cramping. Potassium can be found in many electrolyte hydration mixes and sports drinks.

Kale is a great substitute for romaine lettuce in a salads. Massaging kale prior to eating can help to improve it’s texture, making it more tender and easier to enjoy.



As Pop-Eye would say “I’m strong, because I eat my Spinach!”. Spinach is low in calories but high in Vitamins A and Iron. Vitamin A helps with eye health while iron is essential for oxygen function by helping produce hemoglobin to transport oxygen throughout our bodies.

Toss a handful into your smoothie or sauté and add as a side to your dinner!

READ MORE: Banana Chia Seed Spinach Smoothie Recipe



This delicious and sweet fruit is packed with Vitamin C and fiber to support immune health and aid digestion. Kiwis can usually be found year-round, so they are an easy option to add to your breakfast.

Eat alone or incorporate into a smoothie for maximum deliciousness. Don’t forget to include the skin of the kiwi as it is packed with nutrients too!



Avocados are small yet mighty (like a Leprechaun!). These guys are filled with omega 3 fatty acids otherwise known as the “healthy fats” which are essential for our bodies normal function. Fats can help you feel fuller in between meals, support healthy blood sugar levels, and avoid that mid-day “crash”.

Adding avocados onto your toast or with some chips on the side can be great additions to keep you satisfied till your next meal.

READ MORE: Protein-Packed Guacamole Recipe



These little green trees are a great addition to any dinner providing you with Vitamin C and K to help with immune health and protein building functions within our bodies. Broccoli also contains large quantities of potassium!

Broccoli is best served by roasting to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients but can also be steamed.



Packed with protein, these little guys have almost 18 grams of protein per shelled cup [2]. Edamame is a popular dish in Japan, usually steamed and served as a side with lunch or dinner. Edamame is a great option for vegetarians who are looking for an easy, high protein snack.



Cucumbers are one of the easiest vegetables to grow and access, making it a great addition to any meal. Cucumbers are made mostly of water, 96% to be exact, and can help support hydration [3]!

This vegetable can be sliced and tossed into water as a refreshing drink or incorporated into a salad for extra fiber content. Hummus is also a great option to dip cucumber slices into for extra protein!

READ MORE: Cucumber Melon Collagen Smoothie



Asparagus is a high fiber food which can help aid in digestion. Women who are pregnant may also reap the benefits of asparagus as it’s a great source of folate. Folate supports a healthy pregnancy by helping both mother and child develop to their full potential.

Sautéed, roasted or steamed, asparagus can make a nutritious addition to any meal.



Coming in many different variations, cabbage is packed with antioxidants. This cruciferous vegetable can be a great to include in any salad, turned into a delicious coleslaw, or even fermented into kimchi!



Celery is another water packed vegetable and is included in many popular cooking mixes like “mirepoix” – which consists of celery, onions, and carrots. It also yields its benefits like aiding in digestion as it’s a great source of fiber. Consuming proper amounts of celery in your daily diet can help support digestion and overall hydration.

Consider celery for a quick and easy on-the-go snack alongside some peanut butter and chocolate chips!

Green foods are not meant to be enjoyed solely in the month of March but year-round! These healthy green foods are packed with nutrients that can help you reach your goals and feeling like you’ve struck gold. With St. Patrick’s Day coming up, be sure to incorporate these healthy green foods into your diet!


  1. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/323505/nutrients
  2. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/168411/nutrients
  3. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/2346406/nutrients